Women’s History Honor: Tasha Jones on What It Takes to Be A Female Independent Professional

By MBO Partners • March 25, 2022
time 6 MIN
Tasha Jones

For more than 25 years, MBO has led the charge to keep the independent economy moving forward. What we have learned from our study is that females are a pivotal part of what the future of work looks like for the independent world. This is why this March, in honor of Women’s History month we are thrilled to give you an exclusive look at the female individuals who have changed the face of what the future of independent contractors looks like. We are happy to launch new series which highlights the different powerful women who took the leap and overcame struggles to become their own bosses in today’s world. Please enjoy our featured series: Women’s History Honor: Q&A’s Of What It Takes to Be A Female Independent Professional. Today meet Tasha Jones.

Who she is:

Tasha is the founder of Twenty39; which serves as the foundation for a legacy of generational inspiration, prosperity, and social impact has a multi-faceted background in curating business and technology solutions for businesses and independent professionals; and rescuing troubled initiatives ranging from small engagements to multi-million-dollar global enterprise initiatives. She leverages competencies in Data Analysis & Strategy, Systems Engineering, Data Curation, Project/Program/Portfolio Management and Business Operations Strategy & Management to design, execute and implement solutions for her clients.

The Interview:

When I first sat down with Tasha I wanted to know what inspired her to become an independent business owner?

I was inspired to initiate the new business model to help others like me who aspire to grow on their own terms, but lack the resources, support, and knowledge to take that next step; and to positively change an environment that I have worked in all my working career by injecting workforce innovation that is flexible enough to accommodate necessary shifts for the U.S. federal government be responsive to the impacts of the future of work and changes in workforce needs. 

The inspiration for my business is the opportunity to assist numerous entrepreneurs by creating a catalyzing marketplace ecosystem focused on seeding resources to influence lasting change on how the Government engages with non-traditional (independent consultants and startup entrepreneurs) companies. In addition, I started Twenty39 to initiate the financial foundation to invoke generational wealth, inspiration and social give back.


She continue on to tell me the first steps she took once she decided to start Twenty39:

When I decided to start my business, the first step I took was to confirm that I could afford the cost of transitioning to self-employment, I spoke with multiple entrepreneurs about their experiences, and research requirements to create my business and register to do business with the U.S. Federal government.

This caused me to ask her what her first job was and if it impacted her approach to work:

My very first job was mowing lawns in my grandmother’s neighborhood. I think I was 8 or 9 years old at the time and I just created the opportunity. I wanted to make sure that I had enough money to get ice cream for me, my sister, and my cousins; and noticed the grass was really high at a few houses across the street. So I approached the homeowners and secured the work, and worked out an agreement with my grandfather to use his mower and gas.

She then told us the most influential career advice that shaped her career was:

Know your why; and accept and be who you are.

After seeing the positive outlook Tasha continually brings to her everyday work life I wanted to know if there was any particular struggle she’s faced and how she overcame it:

When I decided that I was going to start my business, the first step I took was to confirm that I could afford the cost of transitioning to self-employment, I spoke with multiple entrepreneurs about their experiences, and research requirements to create my business and register to do business with the U.S. Federal government.

I then wanted to know what career moment she’s most proud of thus far:

I am most excited that I made the decision to move forward and bet on myself and fully invest in my capabilities, strengths, and desire to enact positive change.

After understanding Tasha’s own journey as an independent contractor we wanted her thoughts and advice to females who are considering going independent.

What would you say to another woman looking to start her own business in 2022?

Make sure your reason and why aligns with motivators that energize you, and prepare for success just as much as you prepare for potential hardship.

I then asked her what advice she would give her 22-year-old self entering the workforce:

Protect your mental health and be selective about who you share your space and energy with because not everyone is ready or worthy.

Questions to get to know the woman behind the business: 

  1. Your go-to coffee order? Coffee or espresso with steamed almond milk
  2. Best book you’ve ever read? The GoGiver by Bob Burg and John D. Mann
  3. Last show you binged? Married to Real Estate
  4. If you could have lunch with any woman, who would it be and why? If I could have lunch with any woman I would have lunch with Sheila Johnson, Violinist, Co-Founder of BET, and CEO of Salamander Resort because she perseveres regardless. I want to learn more about how she does that.
  5. How do you start your morning? Slowly 🙂 and deliberately

When my interview with Tasha came to an end, I was not only left inspired by her journey as an independent but also by her entire passion for life. Tasha reminds us to believe in our own capabilities and go after what we believe in. She reminds us to never apologize for taking care of ourselves and loving who we are. She truly shows us just how much you can achieve if you show up for yourself and work as hard as you can. She is without a doubt a woman to learn and be inspired by.

Keep being inspired and look forward to our other articles:

Monday was our launch explaining the importance and impact women have had on the Independent workforce. Recap the movement here.

Then come back Friday for a final recap and answers to where females are forecasted to go in 2022.

Eager to learn more about MBO’s research? Then check out our top three studies:

  1. State of Independence
  2. Digital Nomads
  3. Creator Economy



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