Contingent Labor Trends:
Corporate Use of Branded Talent Marketplaces


Where we are today


Where we are today

Enterprises today are having to adapt to the new post-pandemic normal and are facing chronic skill shortages, especially for highly skilled, in-demand workers. In response, firms have been moving to increase their businesses' speed, flexibility, and agility and have increased their use of independent labor. They're also increasingly turning to private branded and curated marketplaces to access, hire and manage highly skilled independent consultants, contractors, and gig workers.


Branded Talent Marketplaces are
Changing the Way Agile Firms Find Top Talent


Contingent labor trends show business priorities have shifted

Currently, the average contingent labor workforce of the companies surveyed is 28%, and that number is expected to grow to 38% in 5 years. The top reasons for using contingent labor include increasing productivity, getting tasks done more quickly, meeting workload peaks and accessing specialized skills and hard-to-hire talent. Surprisingly, saving money is no longer ranked in the top three reasons as these other factors now take more of a priority.

Top Reasons for Using Contingent Workers

Increase Productivity

Meet Workload Peaks

Get Tasks Done More Quickly

Branded marketplaces are the leading way to find contingent talent

Usage of internal independent worker talent marketplaces are expected to grow over the next 18months, driven in part by the high levels of satisfaction reported by current users. Primary reasons include access to specialized skills, increased productivity, and the ability to get tasks done more quickly.

Top Reasons for Using Branded Marketplaces

Access Specialized Skills

Increase Flexibilty

Boost Productivity    

Explore the benefits of using internal branded talent marketplaces

See the latest trends on the use of branded marketplaces and learn why more companies are using talent marketplaces to find skilled contingent labor

Corporate Use of Branded Talent Marketplaces
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