7 Ways Independent Consultants Can Become Thought Leaders
Being a thought leader is often incorporated with marketing because it can lead to sales. However, in reality, it is the art of attracting a following and pursuing one’s ideas. This type of leadership includes a wide array of causes yet one goal is certain, and that is to create followership for ideas and change within one’s industry for the better.
In this webinar, Denise Brosseau, CEO of Thought Leadership Lab and author of the book titled, “Ready to Be a Thought Leader?,” shared her two cents on the steps one can use in becoming a thought leader. She also discussed the ins and outs of thought leadership and gave examples of what it is like to be an effective one.
During this session, you will learn:
Recommendations on being a better generalist for companies
Tips on how to balance being a thought leader and working on your own business
The meaning of “put yourself on shout” and the acronym, S.H.O.U.T.
An in-depth view on the resources given to help with the thought leadership outlook
Your presenters:

Denise Brosseau
Thought Leadership Lab