

Supporting Innovation with Independent Thinkers

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Supporting Innovation with Independent Thinkers

MBO provides the tools and expertise needed for tech companies to access independent thinkers who are part of the growing independent talent market. Bringing alternative insights and ideas to this competitive industry, skilled independents can help companies meet business goals and achieve sustainable growth.  We help seamlessly integrate these highly skilled experts into your ecosystem, creating diverse teams and multiple talent channels.

Trusted by Leading Technology/SaaS Companies

Lead the way with independent contractors who have highly sought-after skills in AI, machine learning, chatbots, cybersecurity, blockchain and more.


See How We Have Helped Technology/SaaS Organizations Embrace the Future of Work

Explore our case studies to learn more


Leading Cloud-Based Software Company Takes Workforce Optimization to the Next Level

An American cloud-based software company was looking to expand their independent contractor workforce. They needed a vendor who could provide an extensive and formal compliance and engagement program, and they had a vision for restructuring how they engage all workers who were not full-time employees.


Leading the Next Way of Working for Technology/SaaS Companies

MBO knows what drives the independent workforce, and how best to engage them for the growth and success of your organization.

MBO’s Future of Work roundtable series is a monthly panel-style discussion amongst key business leaders and experts to review top trends in the changing workforce landscape.


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Client of Choice

Learn how to work more effectively with independent talent by reading the world's only research on what independent professionals want from leading enterprise organizations.

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HP is leveraging the leading contingent labor management system to streamline processes and reduce costs.

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- John Hinshaw, EVP of Global Technology and Business Processes, HP

Industry Lead

cori mckee image

Cori McKee

Vice President

The Trusted Platform for the Independent Workforce

Want better talent with less risk? Let's talk.